ZTE Light Tab Update / Flash Done & Hang On logo done
Problem - Hang on logo
After Wipe Still same
ROM/File , Driver & flasher : Android version 2.2
Problem Solve / Job done With Flash
Flashing Start
Rebooting For FTM mode
NV restore
Flashing Done
The steps are as follows:
Problem - Hang on logo
After Wipe Still same
ROM/File , Driver & flasher : Android version 2.2
FLASHER (Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01) -- 4shared Patch Untuk Flasher (Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched) -- Ziddu Stock Rom -- 4shared ZTE USB Driver -- 4shared |
Problem Solve / Job done With Flash
Flashing Start
Rebooting For FTM mode
NV restore
Flashing Done
The steps are as follows:
- That should be done is to install the application Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01, once installed copy and paste the Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched on instalalasi directory, usually in C: \ Program Files \ ZTE \ Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01, run Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched, point to patch (crack) application Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1 .00.01 so no need to register, after the patch is complete, the files are in jalakan is Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched - his, not the original file instalanya, because when using the uninstall file is not in the patch file copy and paste the application will be requested at registration.
- extract files Stock Rom, my advice extract or put on Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01 installation folder in C: \ Program Files \ ZTE \ Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01 as well as ZTE USB Driver
- after intall the application is complete then the first step is lethal ZTEnya
- it's his back by pressing (hold) Vol button (-) concurrent with the power button and wait until the ZTE logo stuck on it and a little flicker newly released, in case I will get the FTM
- run the application Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched
- Tick the "Super User", SW Directory select the folder "files" and navigate to the file Stock Rom as step No. 2 above
- Zte Sambungin pd PC via a data cable, wait until the process is completed the introduction of new hardware, and it usually takes ZTE USB driver, if the driver requires the use ZTE USB Driver above, Step No. 2
- If so, check the position of ZTE in device manager port number on your PC "ports (com & lpt)" Zte its existing port and make sure it (ingat2) is connected to the COM how, how the right Klick My Computer, select Manage and select divice Manager search ZTE position in "ports (com & lpt)" or start - control panel - system - device manager
- Now back to Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched, click Options - Port Configuration - Line1 - enter the COM port number you Zte earlier in step 8 above number and OK
- ing eng .. eng ... Here the core, then ikutyi slowly, starting at the "Action Mode" is selected then START ALL BackUp NV. Once done go to the folder extracted earlier if there is a file Chanel1.nvm means success. (Use for backups ZTE Device Info)
- Back to Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched, "Action Mode" is selected and click START ALL Download
- Wait for the process is complete ...
- Her ZTE will restart and wait until the progress Line1 Line1 Success at COM in "Flasher" ... it would appear the LCD Myspace FTM posts.
- After all the success unplug and then plug again lepasin battery battery and turn on as usual. Personal experience, it took 2x restart for DM is running normally.
to note is
the step number 10 and 11, follow the step by step, if necessary in the
new print flashing tutorial above, if I pull out simcard and sdcard,
create jaga2 wrote ... okay ... good luck ...