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Nokia Android How root the new v11.1.1 update

  1. Okay, first of all did you downloaded the package given in the guide ?
  2. Once you download it, extract it then you will have two folders, One named as Kingroot and the other named Nokia X USB drivers
  3. and then download the adt bundle from Google
  4. Here's the Link in case you didn't get the adt bundle - DOWNLOAD
  5. Extract it, you will have 2 folders and an Application
  6. Open the Application named SDK Manager
  7. Then from the packages, select and install Platform tools
  8. Once, you installed platform tools, navigate to SDK folder > then Platform-tools folder
  9. Now, in the Platform tools folder, Right click anywhere while holding shift
  10. Click on Open Command Window here
  11. Then run this command : adb devices
  12. See if your device get's listed
  13. If it doesn't get listed, then Go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Device Manager
  14. Plug-in your Nokia X
  15. With MTP selected in your mobile
  16. Now, you will have Nokia X device listed in the Device Manager
  17. Right Click on it, then click on Update driver
  18. Browse file for USB driver manually
  19. Select ADB driver folder from the package you downloaded from the guide on forum.xda-developers.com (i.e this - NokiaX USB Drivers\nokia\usb_driver and Click OK
  20. Install the drivers
  21. Then again navigate to sdk> platform tools
  22. Then again Open command Window there
  23. Run the command adb devices again
  24. And see if your Nokia X gets listed, the device should be c268 something like that
  25. Once you done this all, Open Kingroot folder
  26. Disconnect and connect your Nokia X
  27. Kingroot app should detect it in few mins
  28. Then follow the on-screen instructions

After the rooting process, your Nokia X re-boots and the SuperSU asks for permission, Grant it. Voila !! You are done now. You may disconnect your Nokia X now and enjoy the Rooted the Nokia X.

Does it just says root failed ? Maybe you should start the rooting process from the beginning of the tutorial (or) maybe your device is still on the previous Software version (i.e v10.0.3), make a check and do update your device if it's the previous update on your device and then try again rooting your device using this tutorial.

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